
Stay Connected!

Student Registration

Students who wish to attend George Washington High School must complete a new student registration and orientation, meet with the GWHS counselor, as well as attend a parent and student orientation.

If you are a current Ogden or Ben Lomond student, please go to your Counseling office for in-district student transfers.  Out-of-district transfers may call the Counseling office at 801-737-7422 to schedule an intake appointment.

While there is a waitlist, new students are admitted each month.

Communicating With Ogden School District

Ogden School District and its schools support conservation through decreased use of paper communication and increased use of electronic communication. Electronic communication is particularly vital in the event of an emergency.
Parents and guardians are urged to provide a phone number (preferably a cellular phone number) and an email address to their student's school and to update the school any time the phone number or email address changes.
Parents and guardians who do not currently have an email account can learn how to create a free email account by clicking here.
Las instrucciones en español para crear una dirección de correo electrónico gratuita se pueden encontrar haciendo clic aquí.